I can't believe this song still exists!
I first heard this song inâEU"when was it, 2006? I was in the seventh grade and my teacher had this crazy idea to have his semi-competent students compete to make little films for lame awards. My best friend at the time and I paired together and filmed what we would soon realize was a complete mockery. Of course, we needed background music so we came to Newgrounds and ran into this gem. I can still remember how every clip seemed to match up just perfectly with the rhythm. I felt like I was actually creating something... special.
For the next few years, I kept creating. My classmates thought my work was vile and told me it was unwatchable. I didn't listen to their jeers and calls for me to stop making videos. Class after class, month after month, I took every opportunity to get the camera back in my hands so I could foster what I believed in and what I found an escape in.
I since transferred to a different school district, and, well, my peers actually loved my work all through high school. I felt liberated, like I finally had the support I needed in order to move on with my art.
June 14th, 2012: I have just finished signing up for my first semester of college courses. This fall, I'll be attending NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, one of the nation's finest film institutions. I look back at years of trial-and-error, good ideas and atrocious ideas, and I just feel this incredible sense of accomplishment from looking at everything I've made, building myself up from the ground up as a filmmaker. But there's this one video I can't find, one that I'd probably thrown into the garbage years ago as junkâEU"a mockery.
This song is all I have left of that video. It's responsible for everything I've become in these six years. People say to me all the time, "You've made it." Honestly, I haven't felt much different. Maybe these things are meant to be gradual. But coming across this song still floating around in the Internet has put everything into perspective for me.